
My Favorite Reads from Last Year

My Favorite Reads from Last Year

Last year I shared my favorite reads from 2023. It was one of my most read blog posts, so I decided to do the same again. One of my goals for this third chapter of my career was to make more time for reading, and this proved to be a record-breaking reading year for me. Including audio books, I read over 100 books! (Thank goodness for audio books.)

 I was able to quickly choose my top 20, but it proved nearly impossible to narrow it down further. Instead I decided to focus on ten lesser-known titles that I think are likely to appeal to you, dear reader.

My 2023 in Books

My 2023 in Books

From the time I learned to read, books have been my solace, my inspiration, my escape, and my constant companions. I simply love to read, and I love to read a wide range of things. When I retired from teaching in 2017, the thing I was most looking forward to was to have more time to read—and to read more of the books I wanted to read rather than those I needed to read for my work.  I have read more in the past six years, but 2023 is the first year since childhood that I’ve come close to reading to my heart’s content.